You will receive your E-book “Principles of Real Estate Practice” with meeting instructions via email within 24 hours of registering for the class.
You will be emailed instructions on signing on to our webinar with a private password and at that point there will be a live instructor that will be conducting the class. At the conclusion of the 40 hour certification, you will receive a certificate for completion that will allow you to take the State exam through PSI.
You will receive a text book “Principles of Real Estate Practice” upon your arrival at the school, you will receive a State approved book which will cover all the rules and regulations pertaining to Real Estate that will help our students pass the test. For better studying, we ask that all students bring a highlighter and a pen so they can outline the most important info for which the Instructor will point out. During the 40 hour course, the instructor will also pass out hand-outs and give websites to help you enhance the probability that the student pass the exam.